Opening Hours
Your Appointment has been Booked but not yet CONFIRMED
Very important NOTE
- Check details of your appointment on your mails, it might take about 10 mins. (Verify Spam folder incase)
- Once your appointement has been CONFIRMED by our staff you will receive a confirmation mail (Verify Spam folder incase)
- Only CONFIRMED appointments will be honored by our staff.
- Incase you are unable to honour your appointment please cancel it using the link on your confirmation email.
- Appointment Address is at
Kenyan Embassy in Paris
3 Rue Frycinet
75116 Paris
Metro 9 Stop Alma Marceaux
Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration. In order to ensure that your application is processed, it is your responsibility to make sure that it is complete and that all required supporting documents are presented or send to the Kenya Embassy in Paris.
Our services
- ETA (Visa)
- Passports
- Birth Certificate
- Death Certificate
- Marriage
- Police Clearance Certificate
- Driving Licence
- Emergency Travel Document
- Attestation de Concordance
- Citizenship
- Pet Import Licence
- Postage Service
- Collection of Documents
- Legalization of documents issued in Kenya
- Legalization of Other Documents